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2nd June 2007

Letter received today from Peter Brown MP

“I acknowledge receipt of your recent letter concerning the Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill.

As you might be aware, on behalf of my party it was arranged that I serve on the Government Administration Select Committee, as a non-voting member. This allowed me to receive and hear submissions on the bill. That procedure has now been completed and the committee is currently in the process of preparing its report back to Parliament. As a non-voting member this no longer involves me.

I am taking this opportunity therefore to outline to you my personal position on the bill and advise you of the recommendation I made to the New Zealand First caucus.

Firstly, I am of the opinion that there is a need to regulate complementary medicines if for no other reason that to ensure that the stated ingredients are correct. However, I believe this can be achieved domestically and does not need to be part of the Therapeutic products and Medicines Bill.

So, in a nutshell, I recommended that the New Zealand First caucus oppose the bill as it is. Should the Government remove complementary medicines from its ambit we could, indeed should, support the bill.  Complementary medicines could then be covered by separate legislation. Organisations which want/need to trade in Australia should be allowed to opt into the Australian regulations exactly as they do now.

I am delighted to be able to inform you that New Zealand First had adopted my recommendations totally.


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