Hello once again to all
supporters of health freedoms
in NZ.
Well, what an interesting
time this is. As you will all
know the Therapeutic Products
and Medicines Bill was tabled
just before Christmas, passed
its first reading by the narrowest
of margins (61-60) and was
referred to the Government
Administration Select Committee
for consideration.
Submissions on the 494 page
Bill have now closed. We understand
that the Committee is currently
meeting to decide how to proceed
with considering the many hundreds
of submissions they received,
including scheduling times
for all those who wanted
to be heard. At this
stage it is likely that hearings
will be held in Auckland, Wellington
and Christchurch. The
Committee are to be commended
for having the foresight to
extend the date that they are
to report back to Parliament
from the original date of 30
April to mid June, giving them
a much better chance to properly
consider the very serious implications
of this Bill on matters of
New Zealand health and sovereignty.
In the meantime work continues
on a number of fronts including
working with various MP's and
political parties, showing them
the extent of public opposition
to the Bill and the devastating
effect it would have on natural
healthcare in New Zealand were
it to pass. We are delighted
to see that ex labour MP Taito
Phillip Field has announced his
intention to oppose the Bill, putting
the Government's ability to find
a majority to pass the Bill in
serious question. We would
like to think that Sue Kedgley
is right when she labelled ANZTPA
a "dead duck" as a result however
until the Bill is formally abandoned
or defeated the fight must continue.
- Listen to the excellent
recording from National
Radio Station “Morning
Report” 14 March
07 (approx 5 minutes)
- Read Sue Kedgley's Questions
for Oral Answer on the Therapeutic
Products and Medicines Bill—Level
of Support in House
- To read the NZPA press release
13th March
- For the above three items
click this link http://nzhealthtrust.co.nz/news.html
The NZ Health Trust in conjunction
with New Health are planning
a large scale campaign to co-incide
with the various stages remaining. Those
stages are the select committee
hearings, the date the select
committee report is released
and the subsequent debate and
vote in Parliament. Look
out for our upcoming ads, meetings
and other events. In
addition we will soon be distributing
postcards to send to the NZ
First and United Future MP's
that supported the Bill at
its first reading, reminding
them of all the reasons this
Bill must be defeated. As
always your support for these
initiatives will be crucial
to the on going success.
If you haven't already done
so please join New Health
NZ, it costs you nothing and
helps us stand up for the rights
of the NZ Health consumer. Go
www.newhealth.co.nz to
join now. Don't forget
to tell your friends.
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