Cancer-stricken plaintiffs sue Monsanto; claim it purposely mislabeled co-formulants in Roundup to conceal their damaging effects
by Julie Wilson staff writer
(NaturalNews) Glyphosate, the world's most widely used herbicide, is the primary ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup. While the weed killer has proven dangerous to human health, and is a probable carcinogen, the other supposedly inactive chemicals found in Roundup may pose even more of a threat to people.
New research suggests that the co-formulants found in Roundup may be more harmful to humans than glyphosate alone. A bombshell report published by The Intercept, outlines the dangers of these co-formulants, and the shocking revelation that Monsanto may have intentionally mislabeled "inert ingredients" in Roundup to cover up the adverse health effects they have on humans. read full article
10th May 2016
May 20 2016
Monsanto now facing wave of chemical negligence lawsuits over glyphosate (Roundup) and cancer deaths
by Amy Goodrich
(NaturalNews) Teri McCall, the widow of a prominent farmer from Cambria, California, has just filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Monsanto Co. Anthony Jackson 'Jack' McCall, 69, died December 26, of terminal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, after using Roundup weed killer on his 20-acre fruit and vegetable farm for nearly 30 years.
According to a press release from the law firm, Jack McCall was admitted to a hospital in September 2015, to treat swollen lymph nodes in his neck. The same day they found out that Jack, a man who had never smoked, stayed fit and had no history of cancer in his family, had a rare and aggressive version of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Read full article
Angry Bangladeshi farmers demand compensation after failure of Monsanto's GM eggplant
by PF Louis
(NaturalNews) In India, eggplant is known as brinjal. It's the same fruit. Monsanto, through associates and subsidiaries, offered free Bt brinjal saplings to poor farmers as an open experiment to gain more GMO acceptance in South and Southeast Asia. Seems this field test backfired.
Bt genetic technology claims to provides crop plants the ability to produce their own insecticide, purportedly to lessen farmers' need for extensive pesticide spraying.
Independent testing has discovered that Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) proteins adversely affect the soil, friendly insects and pollinators, and endanger animals and humans, because the Bt Cry (crystalline protein bodies) toxins are not denatured in the gut as previously assumed and promoted. read full article
30th Jul 2014
Consuming low concentrations of glyphosate linked to deadly, nightmarish deformities
by David Gutierrez, staff writer
(NaturalNews) Pigs who consume feed with low concentrations of the herbicide glyphosate (also marketed as Roundup) give birth to piglets with a wide array of severe defects, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Leipzig, Germany, and Sadat City University in Egypt, in collaboration with Danish pig farmer Ib Borup Pedersen. The study was published in the Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology.
The higher the glyphosate levels, the higher the rate of birth defects.
"It shocks me that the industry does not take the evidence of Roundup's and glyphosate's harmful effects more serious than it does," Pedersen said in April, when he publicly called for a ban on glyphosate use on animal feed prior to harvest.
Monsanto's Herbicide Linked to Fatal Kidney Disease Epidemic: Could It Topple the Company?
Monsanto's herbicide Roundup has been linked to a mysterious fatal kidney disease epidemic that has appeared in Central America, Sri Lanka and India.
For years, scientists have been trying to unravel the mystery of a chronic kidney disease epidemic that has hit Central America, India and Sri Lanka. The disease occurs in poor peasant farmers who do hard physical work in hot climes. In each instance, the farmers have been exposed to herbicides and to heavy metals. The disease is known as CKDu, for Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown etiology. The "u" differentiates this illness from other chronic kidney diseases where the cause is known. Very few Western medical practitioners are even aware of CKDu, despite the terrible toll it has taken on poor farmers from El Salvador to South Asia. read full article
6th June 2014
Simon Terry: GM guardian's error a grave failing
Allowing new food-growing methods without considering how GM-sensitive markets like Europe will react could risk valuable exports. Picture / APN
A spectacular fail by the Environmental Protection Authority raises serious questions about its reliability as a guardian of the environment.
At issue was the authority's decision to allow genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from two new breeding techniques to go into New Zealand fields without any formal consultation or assessment of the impacts.
The High Court quashed that decision a fortnight ago, saying the authority had misinterpreted the law. The judgment also found the authority's interpretation "did not sit well" with its legal duty "to protect the environment, and the health and safety of people and communities".
Vermont Senate approves GMO labeling law by huge majority
by J. D. Heyes
(NaturalNews) The Vermont Senate has given decisive approval to a measure that would require the labeling of foods that contain genetically modified ingredients, meaning the state could become the first one in the country to enact such a law.
"We are saying people have a right to know what's in their food," said Senate President Pro Tempore John Campbell, a Democrat. The vote was 26-2 in favor of GMO labeling.
Campbell and other supporters said they believe that they have written a measure that is legally defensible, the Burlington Free Press reported. Nevertheless, the bill would create a fund to help pay the state's legal bills, since many lawmakers are assuming that food manufacturers will sue. read full article
21st Aprl 2014
Russia won't import GMOs, prime minister says
by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) Russia may be the current target of the American corporate media for its alleged role in provoking Ukraine to war, but the former Soviet stronghold has become a world leader in protecting its food sovereignty and kicking the multinational bio-pirates to the curb. New reports indicate that Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev has announced the country's rejection of all imports of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), upholding Russia's growing stance against the cultivation and sale of GMOs within its borders.
The announcement comes just months after Medvedev ordered the country's health ministry, agriculture ministry and other relevant agencies to investigate GMO safety and come up with proposals for better protecting the integrity of the country's food supply. According to, their consensus is that Russia has no need for GMOs and will instead remain committed to traditional agricultural practices that have a proven track record of safety.
"If the Americans like to eat GMO products, let them eat it then," stated Medvedev before a congress of deputies from various rural settlements at a recent meeting. "We don't need to do that; we have enough space and opportunities to produce organic food." read full article
2nd Apl 2014
150 scientists condemn Seralini GMO study retraction as attack on scientific integrity
by J. D. Heyes
(NaturalNews) Scores of scientists have condemned a journal editor's retraction of a study that reported a number of serious side effects in lab rats that consumed Monsanto's genetically modified maize and Roundup herbicide.
In all, according to a press release by a group called End Science Censorship, the number of scientists decrying the retraction has climbed to 150.
The group said the editor of the Elsevier journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT), Dr. A. Wallace Hayes, claimed that the retraction of a study conducted by a team headed by Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini was due to some "inconclusive" findings. But that rationale has been roundly criticized by scientists who point out that many studies contain findings that are not at all conclusive.
What is also noteworthy, they point out, is that the retraction comes just a few months after the arrival of a former Monsanto scientist on the editorial board of the scientific journal.
"It is a criminal attitude," said Dr. Mohamed Habib, a professor of entomology at the University of Campinas, Brazil, who has signed a petition opposing the retraction.
"Truth and ethical values have to be considered as more important than money. The article must be reinstated," he said, adding that the retraction appeared to indicate that powerful economic interests influenced the journal's decision.
13th Jan 2014
GMO labeling to be outlawed? Grocery Manufacturers Association unveils deviously evil plan to silence us all
Kaua'i city council slaps down Monsanto with unprecedented new restrictions on GMOs and toxic pesticides
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) A milestone has just been achieved on the island in Kaua'i, where the city council passed measure 2491 which places unprecedented new restrictions on toxic agricultural chemicals frequently used in conjunction with GMOs.
Few people realize that Kaua'i is ground zero for chemical experimentation in agriculture. The island hosts 15,000 acres of crop lands which are experimentally exploited by biotech companies and chemical manufacturers. As a result, Hawaiians who live on Kaua'i are exposed to a toxic cocktail of synthetic chemicals on a routine basis.
The bill passed by a vote of 6 to 1, with councilman Mel Rapozo siding with the biotech industry and voting no. Hawaii Governor Abercrombie appears to be set against the bill and tried to block its passage. The biotech industry, as usual, has been busily engaged in false, defamatory, deceptive and even criminal actions in trying to block this city council measure. The industry, for example, routinely bribes scientists to publicly oppose bills restricting GMOs while falsely claiming they have no financial ties to the industry.
14-year-old teen GMO activist schools ignorant TV host on human rights, food labeling
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) Her name is Rachel Parent, and she's suddenly an internet sensation for her cool-headed debate about GMOs on a popular Canadian TV show. (She's also the founder of the Kids Right to Know GMO Walk.) As you'll see in the video below, Rachel calmly argues for the basic human right to know what's in our food, even as the condescending bully of a host named Kevin O'Leary verbally assaults the girl and practically accuses her of murdering children. read full
14th Jul 2013
EPA to American People: ‘Let Them Eat Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Cake’
If you haven’t already heard, it’s now official. Monsanto’s request to have the EPA raise allowable levels of its herbicide glyphosate in food you may soon be eating has been approved [see Final Rule]. Public commenting is also now closed, not that it was anything but a formality to begin with.
Here is the original registration application, lest detractors claim it was not Monsanto behind this bold move to legalize what an increasingly educated public considers a form of institutionalized mass poisoning:
12th June 2013
GMO feed turns pig stomachs to mush! Shocking photos reveal severe damage caused by GM soy and corn
GMO A Go Go - Truth about GMOs explained in new animated cartoon
19th Sept 2012
Shock findings in new GMO study: Rats fed lifetime of GM corn grow horrifying tumors, 70% of females die early
(NaturalNews) Eating genetically modified corn (GM corn) and consuming trace levels of Monsanto's Roundup chemical fertilizer caused rats to develop horrifying tumors, widespread organ damage, and premature death. That's the conclusion of a shocking new study that looked at the long-term effects of consuming Monsanto's genetically modified corn.
The study has been deemed "the most thorough research ever published into the health effects of GM food crops and the herbicide Roundup on rats." News of the horrifying findings is spreading like wildfire across the internet, with even the mainstream media seemingly in shock over the photos of rats with multiple grotesque tumors... tumors so large the rats even had difficulty breathing in some cases. GMOs may be the new thalidomide.
GMO wars - Monsanto suing DuPont to see who will dominate the world's food supply
by Jonathan Benson, staff writer
(NaturalNews) Biotechnology giant Monsanto is suing one of its largest rivals, DuPont, for what the company says are violations of a licensing agreement established between the two firms back in 2002. And at the very same time, DuPont is suing Monsanto for allegedly, illegally withholding important details from the federal patent office about its Roundup Ready trait, as well as for allegedly engaging in anticompetitive business practices that restrict competitive agriculture.
Many people are unaware of this, but DuPont's Pioneer Hi-Bred division, which produces seeds, several years ago tried to develop its own genetically-modified (GM) soybean product known as Optimum GAT that was intended to rival Monsanto's Roundup Ready GM soy product. When the original Optimum GAT product failed to perform as intended; however, DuPont decided to add Monsanto's Roundup Ready trait onto Optimum GAT's existing glyphosate-resistant trait, a fact that did not come to light until 2009.
GSK whistleblower says Glaxo Marketing VP 'Sir' Andrew Witty was deeply involved in massive criminal cover-up
by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) The recent landmark ruling against drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), which as we recently reported led to a massive criminal fine of more than $3 billion and a guilty plea by the company of committing felony crimes (, was followed by an apology from GSK Vice President of Marketing "Sir" Andrew Witty for the company's "past" failures. But according to whistleblower Gregory Thorpe, the apology is meaningless, as Witty had been working for GSK during the years when the company was proven to have been engaged in illegal activity, and was more than likely involved in it.
Not only that, but Thorpe was the one punished by GSK for coming forward with the truth, a retribution that he has had to sustain for more than a decade, while Witty was recently "knighted" by the U.K. government for his supposed service to the British economy and pharmaceutical industry. If anything, Witty's ridiculous apology is nothing more than a lame attempt at shifting blame from himself to supposed "past" scapegoats, all the while claiming that GSK is now a new company that operates honestly.
Monsanto could pay $7.5 billion settlement to millions of Brazilian soy farmers
by Jonathan Benson, staff writer
(NaturalNews) For at least a decade, Monsanto, the world's most evil corporation, has been illegally charging Brazilian farmers growing the company's genetically-modified (GM) crops a two percent tax on production, and a three percent tax for cross-contamination of seed, say plaintiffs in a new lawsuit. And according to CorpWatch, the agri-giant could soon have to fork over $7.5 billion in reimbursements to more than five million Brazilian farmers as a result of these blatant crimes.
Oddly enough, Monsanto's very presence in Brazil was predicated on fraud, as its GM soy seeds were first smuggled into the country illegally back in 1998. Fast forward about 13 years and nearly 75 million acres of arable land in Brazil are now occupied by Monsanto's GM crops, the vast majority of which constitute Roundup Ready soy. read full article click here
2nd July 2012
Monsanto's history marred by scandal
The Monsanto corporation makes their money by producing man-made crops, but the company behind some controversial GMOs isn't spared from scandals. RT's Abby Martin discusses with Liz Wahl Monsanto's sordid past and their often untold history with America's agriculture business.
27th Oct 2011
Alien Genetic Takeover: The End of Humanity
COMMENT FROM ALEX JONES: Yes the headline says alien takeover, because it is is alien to cross plant, animal, insect and microbial species... and this ill mixing will cause disastrous results.
In this powerful video, Alex breaks down how the global takeover might as well be coming from a hostile alien species-- as depicted in John Carpenter's 1982 film 'The Thing'. In fact, such an invader would be hard pressed to wreak more destruction upon the earth's biosphere.
In the film, and its other versions from 1951 and 2011, an uncovered species takes over its host's DNA while outwardly imitating it, threatening to infect the entire planet in a short span. In the real world, aggressive genetically-modified species are destroying naturally-occurring species while provably causing harm to those who consume GMO foods-- including widespread infertility, cancer and mutations, as demonstrated repeatedly in lab animal studies.
In fact, the real dangers of GMOs, vaccines (loaded with super-viruses, dangerous chemical compounds and other special ingredients) and much more have only begun to unleash their long-term multi-generational harm. The frank reality is that what humanity faces is far worse than Alex could possibly convey in this short presentation.
Complex and controversial emerging legal rulings over gene patents and intellectual property are clearly paving the way for the globalists' 'Thing' mechanism to dominate agriculture, monopolize medicine and profit on mass-death and the unravelling of our planet's genetic inheritance. Those in power hope to retain a privately-controlled continuity through their arctic seed vaults, but life is bigger than even they can grasp.
Technological solutions will create a two-tier system aiming to enshrine the lives of the elite- with the available enhancements for health and longevity- while allowing further domination and dumbing-down of the masses (the nouveau riche, the middle class and poor alike). A wide-spectrum of ambient soft-kill enviro-additives poison us all, with the future hanging in the balance, at the very time an inner-coterie of science, tech and wealth has declared that the future doesn't need us.
If we don't stop this 'Thing' now, we may never have a second chance. It is vital we recognize this amorphous danger for what it is-- the annihilation of our species and those with which we co-inhabit. We don't have any more time to waste.
28th Jan 2011
USDA deregulates GE alfalfa; opens door to new era of widespread genetic pollution of crops
Monsanto to fight potential lawsuit by organic farmer whose land ruined by GMOs
(NaturalNews) Australian organic farmer Steve Marsh recently had his organic certification status pulled by the National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia (NASAA) because his organic wheat field was contaminated by a nearby genetically-modified (GM) canola field. And after Marsh threatened to sue the GM farmer for the incident -- which has cost Marsh his entire business, by the way -- Monsanto, the owner of the GM canola, came out and said it would legally back the GM farmer "in any way [it] could."
Wikileaks cable reveals U.S. conspired to retaliate against European nations if they resisted GMOs
(NaturalNews) Wikileaks continues to rock the political world by shedding light on conspiracies, corruption and cover-ups. The latest batch of diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks reveals what can only be characterized as a U.S.-led conspiracy to force GMOs onto European countries by making those countries pay a steep price if they resist.
Dairy products from cows treated with Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST) could sharply increase the risk of cancer and other diseases, especially in children.
The chemicals are already banned in most industrialized nations, and it was approved in the United States on the backs of fired whistleblowers, manipulated research, and a corporate takeover at the FDA. This film (split into two parts above) includes footage prepared for a Fox TV segment that was canceled after a letter from Monsanto's attorney threatened "dire consequences."
Islands at Risk – Genetic Engineering in Hawai’i
Looks at some of the possible impacts, including allergic and immune system responses from exposure to biopharmaceutical crops -- both in humans and in Hawai’i’s endangered species -- and contamination of regular food crops such as papaya, taro, coffee and corn with genetically modified versions of those crops.
Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) recount their attempts to prevent the patenting of taro, honored as an ancestor, and assert their right to the biodiversity of their lands which is at the heart of their ability to maintain health and survival.
The video also addresses the impact of genetic engineering on food security and the world’s future ability to feed itself.
Featuring Earthjustice attorney Paul Achitoff, Walter Ritte, Chris Kobayashi, Dr. Lorrin Pang, Nancy Redfeather, Isaac Moriwake, Melanie Bondera, Mililani Trask, Mark Query, Kalaniua Ritte, Hanohano Naehu, Una Greenaway, Jerry Konanui, Elisha Goodman, Eloise Engman, and Jeri Di Pietro.
Islands at Risk (Preview) - Genetic Engineering in Hawai'i
Islands at Risk (Part 1) - Genetic Engineering in Hawai'i
Islands at Risk (Part 2) - Genetic Engineering in Hawai'i
Islands at Risk (Part 3) - Genetic Engineering in Hawai'i
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