Submissions, Discussion documents and Links etc
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Short of time but want to
know what this is all about?
Read this BRIEF OVERVIEW of what
has happened so far |
Recommended reading |
4th Mar 2016 |
NZHT Submission
Mojo Mathers SOP - released 20 March 2013 Supplementary Order Paper.pdf
As reported from the Health Committee on 31 October 2012 Natural Health and Supplementary Products Bill.pdf
Natural Health Products Bill introduced 7th Sept 2011 Natural Health Products Bill.pdf |
21st Nov 2014 |
Dropping ANZTPA joint regulatory agency a wise decision
Friday, 21 November 2014, 5:32 pm
Press Release: Medical Technology Association of New Zealand |
Media Release
November 21, 2014
Dropping ANZTPA joint regulatory agency a wise decision
Dropping the proposed Australia New Zealand Therapeutic Products Agency (ANZTPA) is a wise decision, says the Medical Technology Association of New Zealand (MTANZ).
read full article on link below |
Business Strategies
book entitled "The Ten
Day MBA" by Steven Silbiger click here for more info |
21st nov 2014 |
Decision to abandon ANZTPA welcomed by NZ Health Trust
NZ and Australia abandon therapeutic products regulator
NZ Herald
New Zealand and Australia have abandoned efforts to establish a joint therapeutic products regulator.
The decision to not go ahead with the Australia New Zealand Therapeutic Products Agency was made after a review of the costs and benefits to both countries, Australian Health Minister Peter Dutton and New Zealand Health Minister Jonathan Coleman said in a joint statement.
read full article here
20th Nov 2014 |
NZ, Australia abandon joint medicine agency
The New Zealand and Australian governments have abandoned talks to establish a joint agency for regulating medicines.
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman and his Australian counterpart Peter Dutton announced today that efforts to establish the Australia New Zealand Therapeutic Products Agency (ANZTPA) would be shelved, after a review failed to find adequate cost benefits for either country.
read full article here |
20th Aug 2014 |
Click on each of the PDF documents below
18th Aug 2014 |
A brief history of the evolution of proposed regulation for natural and supplementary health products
In 2006 the government proposed a joint regulatory scheme with Australia to regulate natural and supplementary health products: the "Australia New Zealand Therapeutic Products Authority" (ANZTPA) (replacing the Dietary Supplement Regulations 1985 promulgated under the Food Act 1981).
After a period of intense opposition from the NZHT, members of the industry and the general public, the Government decided not to proceed with ANZTPA.
15 October 2009 letter from Dr Jonathan Coleman and Sue Kedgley to Roger Sowry to and from the Minister.pdf
In response to a request from the Minister of Health (Tony Ryall), members of the natural and supplementary health products industry got together and formulated a joint industry proposal (JIP) for regulation of natural and supplementary health products (N&SHPs).
Key features of the JIP are:
a. establishment of an industry specific regulatory agency (with costs shared between Government and the industry (by way of a levy based on turn-over);
b. anticipation of the potential overlap between N&SHPs, foods and medicines and provision for N&SHP manufacturers/suppliers to choose the appropriate regulatory framework for N&SHPs (N&SHP, food or medicine);
c. establishment of a simple on-line notification system for notification of products and ingredients/new ingredients (that are not prohibited ingredients) together with evidence to support safe use and any claims made, with the regulator able to disallow notification (and therefore sale of a product) if the agency has reasonable cause for safety concerns. A key factor in the proposal is the grandfathering of ingredients/products currently on the market.
d. establishment of appropriate risk-management processes and regulations for the manufacture of N&SHPs.
In April 2009 the National Party and the Green Party announced that they would work together to develop a regulatory system for natural health products that is specific to New Zealand. Dr Jonathan Coleman (the Associate Minister of Health) and Sue Kedgley (Green Party MP) met with the industry group to discuss the JIP in May 2009 and in October 2009 wrote to the industry group indicating broad support for the proposals outlined in the JIP. and
In 2010 the Ministry of Health consulted on a proposed Natural Health Products Bill. Cabinet approved development of the Bill on 7 December 2010 and the Natural Health Products Bill was introduced into Parliament on 7 September 2011. The Bill introduced bore little resemblance to the JIP (contrary to a commitment from Government that it would). NZHT made comprehensive submissions on the Bill in February 2012 and appeared before the Health Select Committee in support of these submissions in March 2012.
including: letter from NZHT to Minister Ryall dated 24 September 2012 and letter Minister Ryall to NZHT dated 6 November 2012 to and from the Minister.pdf
In summary, NZHT's key concern was that the Bill did not resemble the JIP. It appeared rushed and incomplete, did not include appropriate principles and purpose clauses, was lacking processes that reflect the principles of natural justice, gave the regulator powers that were far too wide and did not provide for sensible transition. Many of definitions and processes in the Bill were unclear and un-workable. Health Products Bill report back 31 October 2012.pdf
NZHT followed up these submissions with on-going correspondence and meetings with both the Minister of Health and Ministry officials in an attempt to align the Bill with the JIP and make it workable.
The Health Select Committee reported back on the Bill on 31 October 2012. Many of NZHT's original concerns remained. Some issues raised by NZHT had been dealt with but in other respects this version of the Bill was much worse than the original version. A significant and risk disproportionate change was made to the notification process introducing pre-approval processes for health benefit claims about named conditions. to and from the Minister.pdf
NZHT provided the Ministry of Health with a position paper outlining in some detail the key changes, problems and unintended consequences of the amended Bill and on 17 December 2012 NZHT wrote to the Minister of Health outlining those concerns. to and from the Minister.pdf
NZHT representatives met with the Minister to discuss those concerns and then continued to engage with officials in an effort to resolve matters. Some minor amendments were agreed to but NZHT was unable to progress the important issues – in particular the change from a risk-proportionate notification regime to a pre-approval regime (for claims about named conditions), and delays in consultation on the the ingredients list, the manufacturing code and the approach to be taken to fees. On 1 November 2013 NZHT wrote to the Minister again expressing those concerns in detail. Letter to Hon Tony Ryall 1 Nov 2013.pdf
In early 2014, NZHT commissioned a regulatory assessment of the Bill from Castalia Ltd. Castalia concluded that there was little evidence of a problem or gap in the existing regulatory landscape for N&SHPs, that the proposed regulatory regime does not include adequate principles or objectives to guide the regulatory process and that the costs of the proposed regulation are potentially large. Castalia concluded that the strongest form of legislation commensurate with the risks associated with the natural health products industry is a disclosure regime with black-list features (as opposed to the mixed notification/pre-approval regime proposed).
At the same time NZHT commissioned a cost-benefit analysis of the Bill from TDB Advisory Ltd. TDB concluded that there is little or no evidence that adverse health consequences N&SHPs are a major problem in New Zealand under the current regime and that the costs of implementing the regime and that the costs of the proposed regime would be significant and likely to increase over time. TDB's conclusion is that there does not appear to be a compelling case for moving from the current regulatory regime for N&SHPs.
TDB notes that a significant problem with the current regime (the Dietary Supplement Regulations 1985) is that it is somewhat outdated and is not being adequately enforced but that this could be rectified with revision and enforcement on a basis proportionate with the risks and benefits. TDB also raises the question of the appropriate location of responsibility for regulating N&SHPs. The Bill proposes a separate unit within the Ministry of Health. TDB notes that the Ministry of Primary Industries is a better fit given that the N&SHP sector is primary-industry based, export oriented and relatively low-risk.
30th April 2013 |
Hello NHP colleagues,
You will most likely be aware that the Bill to regulate Natural Health Products has been reported back from the Health Select Committee with its amendments and has been substantially changed from the first draft which bore little resemblance to the fully agreed Joint Industry Proposed Bill.
Attached for your information is a copy of documents that set out NZHT's position on the Natural Health & Supplementary Products Bill as amended by the select committee. (We have identified six key issues (set out in detail in the key issues table and summarized in the bullet point key issues document. The remaining document (bullet points amended bill) provides an overview of all issues with the amended Bill. The Bill is not the Joint Industry Proposal (JIP) but we have consistently made submissions to the Minister and officials in line with the principles of the JIP and these bullet points reflect the Trust's view of how the spirit of the JIP could be achieved within the framework of the Bill. There is no political willingness to scrap this Bill and draft a “JIP” Bill. The reality is that we have to work with the current Bill and try and fix it (as opposed to pursuing a complete change of approach i.e. the JIP in the form we originally suggested).
Key issues v5.pdf
Bullet point key issues.pdf
Bullte points amended billv4.pdf
We have also identified the Trust's bottom line (these items have a red-arrow in the “bullet point amended bill” document) i.e. the minimum changes required to make the Bill work consistent with the principles agreed to in the JIP.
The Trust has provided Minister Ryall with this document and advised that without these changes the Trust will not be able to support the Bill. The Minister has indicated a willingness to look at our concerns and we are currently working through this with officials however at present we have no firm commitment to change. We have been told that the Minister and officials consider that there is strong industry support for the Bill in its current form but we do not believe this is the case and would like to bring that to his attention.
We urge that any company or person that supports the Trust's position write to the Minister outlining that support. You may have different items that you wish to "red flag". It may be helpful to attach the bullet points (as the Minister has a copy of these) and refer to these when making any comments. You may wish to suggest changes – for example, you may have a view that the Schedule does not encompass all appropriate categories of substances and you may wish to suggest additions to that Schedule.
The Bill has now had its second reading (see and we understand it will be before the House shortly for the third reading. This will be the last opportunity for changes to the Bill to be made (by supplementary order paper or amendment) so it is important that any correspondence to the Minister is received as soon as possible.
Please email Hon Tony Ryall ( and follow up with a letter to the Minister, Private Bag 18888, Parliament Buildings 6160. We would be grateful if you could copy us in on any correspondence.
If you have received this email but are not the relevant person to deal with this issue, please pass on to the relevant person within your organization.
Please feel free to send this email and attachments on to your industry colleagues.
Dave Sloan
NZ Health Trust
PO Box 34057
Christchurch 8540
1st Mar 2012 |
Medicines Amendment Bill
24th Feb 2012
Summary of Submission New Zealand Health Trust and New Health NZ 24 February 2012
( Click here for PDF )
New Zealand Health Trust & New Health NZ Submissions 24 February 2012
( Click here for PDF )
Attached was the
Joint Industry NTHPs Bill Feb 2009
( Click here for PDF )
Natural Health Products Bill
Make a submission
Legislative Analyst by John McSoriley BA LL.B, Barrister, This Digest was prepared to assist consideration of the Bill by members of Parliament. It has no official status.
Regulatory impact statement |
18th Mar 2010 |
The Development of a Natural Health Products Bill
Consultation Paper
Ministry of Health. 2010. The Development of a Natural Health Products Bill: Consultation paper. Wellington: Ministry of Health.
Published in March 2010 by the
Ministry of Health
PO Box 5013, Wellington, New Zealand
( click here for PDF).
Submissions on the paper close on 17 May 2010.
Please note;
From the first quick reading of the MOH discussion
released 18TH March 2010 it is very disappointing and we will not be able to give it our support, it
appears to be diametrically opposed to most of the principles, aims and
objectives of the Proposed Bill as presented to Government early in 2009.
New Zealand Health Trust developed this Proposed Bill from extensive input,
consultation and agreement with industry and consumers over more than a two
year period and it enjoys very wide support. We believe it appropriately
addresses all the concerns that could arise from the sale and consumption of
any Natural and Traditional Health Product.
NZ Health Trust
Watch this space for more updates.
3rd Aug 2009 |
Please find link to discussion document regarding the latest round of consultation on mandatory fortification of bread with folic acid:
Please feel free to pass this email on to anyone in your organisation who you feel may be interested in making a submission. Submissions close on 12 August 2009.
The Government is aware that there is significant public interest in this issue and has decided to consult on three options relating to the fortification of bread with folic acid.
The Government’s preferred option is to amend the New Zealand (Mandatory Fortification of Bread with Folic Acid) Food Standard to delay its commencement until 31 May 2012. A deferred commencement date would for allow for the planned 2011 review of the Australian standard to be completed. The outcome of this review would provide valuable information for the Minister to drawn on to decide how to proceed at that time.
As the mandatory standard is due to commence on 27 September 2009, the timeframe in which consultation can occur is very short. We appreciate the difficulties that the short timeframe may cause some submitters but it is important that any decisions are made before the current commencement date. All submissions will be given full consideration before making a final decision.
Yours sincerely
Carole Inkster
Director, Policy
New Zealand Food Safety Authority |
7th May 2009  |
Click here
"Proposed Natural and Traditional Health Products Bill"
44 page PDF
Click here for "Executive Summary"
2 page PDF |
28th Oct 2008 |
New Zealand Food (Supplemented Food) Standard
A submission made jointly by the Submitters:
New Zealand Health Trust ("NZHT") and
New Health New Zealand Incorporated ("New Health")
click here for 10 page PDF |
1st Aug 2008 |
The New Zealand Food Safety Authority is proposing to update the regulations surrounding food-type dietary supplements. The proposed changes will bring the laws surrounding the manufacture and sale of these food-type dietary supplements into line with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
New rules proposed for food-type dietary supplements
Proposed changes to the dietary supplement regulations
Proposed Standard for Supplemented Food
Draft New Zealand Food (Supplemented Food) Standard 2008
The Addition of Vitamins and Minerals to Food-type Dietary Supplements |
30th Apr 2008
Public Health Bill
2nd oral submission to the Health Select Committee re the Public Health Bill in AK
by NZ Health Trust Click here for the PDF
1st written submission to the Health Select Committee re the Public Health Bill by NZ Health Trust click here for the PDF
Public Health Bill click here for the PDF 4MB - Feb 2008
visit the website below.
Original July 1998 public health Bill discussion document click here |
Dec 2007
Proposed Changes to the Regulation of Dietary Supplements
Visit NZFSA wbsite
click here to download the NZFSA proposal info in PDF
click here to download the PDF document from Medsafe letter advising of changes
information from Medsafes website to the above proposed changes
Dietary Supplement Regulations 1985 click here to read the regulations PDF
Medicines Act 1981 click here to read the Act
The review of fees payable under the Medicines Act 1981 and the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 has been completed. See below for documents relating to the fees review.
The revised schedule of fees is effective from 21 August 2006 click here
or use these two direct links below to the relevant info pages
- Revised schedule of application fees for consent, applying to the various types of applications and notifications (effective from 21 August 2006) click here
- Schedule of New Fees for all Licences under the Medicines Act 1981
and the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 click here
28th June 2007 |
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packaging, Labeling, or Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements
click here to read the 815 page PDF or right click and save target as to download it
15th June 2007
Minority report by Green party
We oppose the bill because we believe it will reduce New Zealander’s access to many dietary supplements and traditional medicines, reduce consumer choice, increase compliance costs of natural health products and result in the closure of many small New Zealand businesses. We also have serious constitutional concerns with the proposed regulatory regime, which we believe will undermine the sovereignty of our Parliament. read the PDF |
15th June 2007
Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill (103-1) (15 June 2007)
The Government Administration Committee has examined the Therapeutic Products and
Medicines Bill. We have been unable to reach agreement and therefore cannot recommend
that the bill be passed.
Govt Admin Committee report released today click here for the PDF |
Feb 2007 |
NZFSA Discussion Document
NZFSA now wants to
progress the development of new regulations to cover complementary
foods and has produced a new discussion paper called
Changes to the Regulation of Dietary Supplements (pdf,
107KB 21 Pages)
which explains how the new regulations might work.
NZFSA website page for all info
closing date for submissions is Wednesday, 29 March 2007.
Please send your submission to:
Trish Ranstead, Policy Group
New Zealand Food Safety Authority
PO Box 2835, Wellington – New
Facsimile: (04) 463 2583
Feb 2007 |
7th Feb 07 -Therapeutic
Products and Medicines Bill submission from NZ Health Trust
/ New Health NZ presented to the Government Administration
Health Trust / New Health NZ Submission 1 PDF 26 pages
141k |
Jan 2007 |
Jan 07 - NZ Health
Trust summary of the key provisions of the Therapeutic
Products and Medicines bill tabled Dec 2006 and its likely
here PDF of the main points
- 8 pages |
Dec 2006 |
The Government Administration
Committee is inviting public submissions on the
Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill. Dec
The closing date for submissions is
Wednesday, 7 February 2007.
[Note: Submissions must
be recieved by the committee by Wed 7th February
here for The Bill PDF10771K (warning 494
Left click the link to view in Browser
or Print.
Or Right click the link and "Save
Target As" To save the PDF
to your hard drive
Address your
submission to:
Clerk of the
Government Administration Committee
Select Committee Office
Parliament Buildings
The committee requires 2 copies
of each submission. Those
wishing to include any information of a private or
personal nature in a submission should first discuss
this with the clerk of the committee, as submissions
are usually released to the public by the committee.
Those wishing to appear before the committee to speak
to their submissions should state this clearly and
provide a daytime telephone contact number.
For further guidance
a Submission to a Parliamentary Select Committee
[PDF 177k]
Government website links
- The
Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill government
- The
Select Commitee submissions called for page
23 May
2006 |
Consultation documents released
23 May 2006
Documents detailing the proposed joint regulatory scheme
for the new Australia New Zealand Therapeutic Products Authority
(ANZTPA) have been released for public consultation.
Submissions are being welcomed on
the proposed regulatory scheme or "draft Rules" for medicines
and medical devices; a description of the proposed Grouping
Order for medicines; draft guidelines on transition provisions
for product licensing; the key components of the draft
Administration Rule; and the consultation document on the
proposed fees and charges.
The closing date for submissions on the consultation documents
is 15 August 2006.
For more information go to Govt website ; |
2006 |
January 2005
See item 2 The present legislative Framework in
Australia and 2.1 Constitutional Limitations
of the Therapeutic Goods Act, of this report showing
a very real example of why the TGA is so keen for the trans
tasman body - nothing to do with NZ - more about removing
their constitutional inability to regulate sole traders
and natural persons.
This report demonstrates that the TGA wants to extend its
control to all Territories and states to cover natural people
and reach into pharmacists and hospital controls, all of
which are currently outside their domain.
(Only currently covers 3 of the 8 being NSW, Tasmania, but
to a lesser degree Victoria)
the PDF by clicking here 31 pages |
5th May 2006 |
and alternative medicines (including traditional Māori
treatments) used by presenters to an emergency department
in New Zealand: a survey of prevalence and toxicity
Tonia Nicholson
5,880 presentations
at Waikato A&E and not a single
presentation due to Complementary medicines...!
"Additionally, during the relatively short period over which
this study was conducted (7 weeks) there were no presentations
to the Emergency Department with adverse effects associated
with the use of CAM."
GATS, Public Services and Privatisation
here for the 36 pages PDF or click
here to read it on the web page
They provide very readable explanations of the international developments. |
2005 |
Summary of Concerns
While there many issues involved, the opposition to the Government
proposals to hand control of all therapeutic products to a
single Trans Tasman regulator can be summarized into three
major concerns: download
the pdf for full story |
2005 |
of Non-prescription Medicinal Products
No. 18
Year: 2004/2005
Tabled: Thursday, 16th December 2004
Audit Type: Performance Audit
Agency: Department of Health and Ageing
Theme: Legislative and/or Administrative
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), a division of
the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, is
responsible for the regulation of the manufacture and
supply of therapeutic goods. The objective of the audit
was to assess the TGA's regulation of non-prescription
medicinal products. In particular, it reviewed the TGA's
systems, procedures and resource management processes
used to approve new manufacturers, monitor ongoing manufacturer
and product compliance with mandated requirements, and
manage non-compliance. The audit made 26 recommendations
designed to improve the transparency, quality and reliability
of regulatory decisions taken by the TGA and improve
its accountability mechanisms by enhancing its management
information systems.
Available downloads:
Report 18 (Adobe PDF 830Kb)
Brochure 18 (Adobe PDF 128Kb) |
2005 |
The Australian
Senate Inquiry into the TGA Amendment Bill 2005 has been extended to 7th
November 05, there are still a few days to make your submission. This
Bill will make the draconian TGA penalties even worse and take them to a level
that could destroy most natural health businesses. It will give the TGA
more power than ever before. |
2005 |
view Mike Browning's work on the "What's
wrong with the TGA Bill pdf" click here and the "Draconian
Fines pdf" click here. |
2005 |
proposed fees & charges
TGA have announced that their already heavy fees are to
be increased again on 1 July this year. Plus, they
claim that the complementary medicines sector has been under
charged for its share of costs by about 11%. This
gives a clear picture of where the fees are heading and what
NZ businesses could expect under the proposed joint regime. |
2005 |
Australian Government response to the recommendations
of the Expert Committee on Complementary Medicines in the Health
System |
2005 |
Industry Briefing Reg Issues Bill 2005 |
28th June 2005
28th June 2005
2005 |
report by NZ Health Trust on the Australian
Therapeutic Goods Amendment Bill 2005
The Amendment Bill is currently set to be
introduced to the Australian Parliament and if passed would
bring into force a regime of penalties and enforcement actions
which would give the TGA unheralded and almost unbridled
power. read more on PDF...
How The Bill Would Increase
Penalties for Natural Medicines (Natural Health Products)
Click here to view A
table of existing and propsed penalties relating to Natural Medicines
by Mike Browning - this has not been checked by NZHT, however
if you read the PDF below you will see the penalty units associated
to each offence. 1 penalty unit = AU$110
Therapeutic Goods Amendment Bill 2005
(107 Pages)
Dec 2004 |
Consultation on Draft Nutrient Reference Values for Australia
and New Zealand including Recommended Dietary Intakes
Date of publication: December 2004
NZ Gov (MOH) Click
Aust Gov (NHMRC) Click Here
Timeframe for consultation
The consultation period commenced on 18 December 2004 and will close at 5pm 18
March 2005 .
This project to revise and develop Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) has been
managed by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC),
in partnership with the New Zealand Ministry of Health and is the first of its
You can download four documents:
1. Consultation letter (PDF, 64kB)
2. Executive summary (PDF, 437 kB)
3. Full document (PDF, 1.29MB)
4. Evidence Appendix (PDF, 1.1MB)
Dec 2004 |
Definitions Consultations Paper
by Medsafe & TGA ) Proposed regulatory definitions for
complementary medicines and homoeopathic medicines in joint
Australia New Zealand Therapeutic Products Agency.
Deadline for Submissions
The deadline for receipt of submissions is
close of business friday 11th March
2005 |
Dec 2004 |
Homeopathic Review Consultation Paper
(Produced by Med safe & TGA ) Regulation of Homoeopathic
and related medicines in a joint Australian New Zealand Therapeutic
Products Agency
Deadline for Submissions
The deadline for receipt of submissions is close of business friday 11th
March 2005 |
Dec 2004 |
Herbal Regulation Consultation Paper
by Medsafe & TGA )
This paper outlines how herbal substances are currentl?y regulated
in New Zealand and Australia and examines problems that have
emerged under the existing regulations. A key aim of this paper
is to seek comments on the mechanisms proposed to address these
problems and the impact such changes may have on the stakeholders.
Deadline for
The deadline for receipt of submissions is close of business
friday 11th March 2005 |
Oct 2004
Just how close should
Australia & New Zealand
Closer Economic Relations (CER) is
put on notice
Amy Adams, Simon
Mortlock Partners & New Zealand
Health Trust Speech to the 14th National Health Summit
, Sydney 26 October 2004 |
transcript 91814 27th Oct 2004
Mai Chen interview by Linda
on the draft report of the Australian Productivity Commission
Government Productivity Commission
Australian and New Zealand
Competition and Consumer Protection Regimes - Draft
Research Report |
response to the Governments response to Report
of the Health Select Committee below |
Response to Report of the Health Committee on International treaty examination of the Agreement
between the Government of New Zealand and the Government of
Australia for the establishment of a joint scheme for the regulation
of therapeutic products, presented to the House of Representatives
in accordance with Standing Orders 251. A.5 |
Draft Australia New Zealand therapeutic
products advertising code
September 2004 Version 10 |
submission on proposed changes to the Dietary supplements
regulations 1985 Paper no 01/04 |
Ministerial Advisory Committee on Complementary
and Alternative Health (MACCAH),
forms the Committee's final advice to the Minister of Health, Annette King |
NZFSA Public Discussion Paper no 01/04
July 2004. Proposed Changes to the Dietary Supplements Regulations
1985 |
Select Committee report released 18th June 2004 on the
treaty between New Zealand and Australia.
Agreement between the Government of New Zealand and the Government of Australia
for the establishment of a Joint Scheme for the Regulation of Therapeutic Products
(As reported by the Health committee)
( Date Presented: 18/6/2004 (pdf, 330 kb)
Presentation by NZHT to the Canterbury and Nelson
Nutraceutical Cluster regarding consequences
of the JTA and alternate regulatory model. |
3rd Submission
to Health Select Committee on Treaty |
to Health Select Committee on Treaty Medsafe -
oral in response to the presentation by the Ministry of Health,
Medsafe and Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Trade. |
Zealand National Interest Analysis on the Agreement Between the Government of Australia and the
Government of New Zealand for the Establishment of a Joint
Scheme for the Regulation of Therapeutic Products |
Briefing submission on Treaty. |
Interest Analysis
Text of the Proposed Treaty Action |
"Regulation Impact Statement" |
form for the newsletter and business directory. |
A5 Government
Response to
Report of the Health Committee on Inquiry into
the Proposal to Establish a Trans -Tasman
Agency to Regulate Therapeutic Products. |
Annette King (NZ) and Trish Worth (AU) Treaty Signed between
NZ & Australia.
of the Health Select Committee
Inquiry into the proposal to establish a Trans-Tasman
Agency to regulate Therapeutic products. |
Magazine - article |
Proposed Model for the Regulation of Dietary Supplements
in New Zealand - Synopsis
"A synopsis of the alternative model for regulation. This model is not
presented as a final form of regulation but has been developed to show that better
systems of regulation are viable. Clearly any final form of regulation
would need a significant amount of detail which would have to developed in conjunction
with the regulators. The work we have done is instead intended to show
that a risk based, New Zealand system of regulation, specific to NHP's can be
achieved at a level of cost that would be acceptable to business." |
New Zealand Regulatory Impact Statement |
response to the TGA - Medsafe - EU submission
on the MOH/Medsafe
Discussion Document.
Economist-Phil Donnelly opinion
Public Health Submission to
the Ministry of Health on the Public Health Legislation:
Promoting public health, preventing ill health and managing communicable
diseases, Discussion Paper made by The New Zealand Health Trust. |
Of Health Public Health discussion document. |
from the Dietary Supplements Consultative Group to MOH Medsafe
Discussion Document. |
Assessment of Regulatory Options for Therapeutic
Products - Report to the trans-Tasman working group
The NZ Institute of Ecconomic Research (Inc)
Submission to MOH Medsafe Discussion Document. |
Discussion Document.
A proposal for a trans Tasman agency to regulate therapeutic products |
1985 |
Dietary Supplement Regulations 1985
Complementary Medicines links
1981 |
Medicines Act 1981 click here to read the legislation
The review of fees payable under the Medicines Act 1981 and the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 has been completed. See below for documents relating to the fees review.
The revised schedule of fees is effective from 21 August 2006 click here
or use these two direct links below to the relevant info pages
- Revised schedule of application fees for consent, applying to the various types of applications and notifications (effective from 21 August 2006) click here
- Schedule of New Fees for all Licences under the Medicines Act 1981
and the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 click here